Thursday, September 3, 2020
Analysis of UK and Pakistan Education System Essay
UK is one of the prestigious exchanging power and money related center point of the world, remains at third situation in European Union after Germany and France. The agribusiness segment of the area is especially solid and automated. Its proficiency can be guaranteed through the creation of 60 percent food needs with just 2 percent of workforce. The district has huge vitality asset however because of expanding requests it is bringing in vitality from 2005. The protection and budgetary foundations notwithstanding bank are creating the biggest part of GDP of the district. The ongoing budgetary emergencies especially impacted the economy of the district during 2008 as a result of the monetary segment of the locale (www. cia. gov). Proficiency pace of the district is 99 percent while 5. 5 percent of GDP is fixed for the improvement of training part. As indicated by such level of GDP it remains at 44th situation as contrast with different nations (www. cia. gov). There were 89 colleges and 131 advanced education organizations working till August 2011 (www. universitiesuk. air conditioning. uk). The extension in advanced education arrangement of the district is generally delayed when contrasted with different nations rivaling the area as indicated by the report of Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD, 2007). There are a few nations thinking of essentially higher number of school and colleges in spite of the fact that the development of training part lately in UK is additionally exceptional. The expansion in the instructive organizations emphatically impact the graduation rate in UK as it was 37 percent during the year 2000 and came to upto 39 percent in 2005. Then again the situation of the district was dropped from third to tenth situation as contrast with around 20 nations while thinking about the instructive execution (www. watchman. co. uk). The ongoing money related emergencies adversely impacted all the parts in this manner the legislature was intending to lessen the instructive costs by 25 percent during the forthcoming four years. It was referenced the chancellor that the decrease in the spending plan for instructive division relies upon the treatment with different areas which are impacting the financial plan of the district. No assurance of not cutting the instructive spending plan was given by the chancellor. It was additionally referenced by the administration official that the conceivable sparing through decrease in government assistance spending plan may decidedly encourage in lessening level of cut in instructive financial plan (BBC, 2010). UK is likewise well known as a regard instruction gave all around the globe and understudies of various mainlands are by and by finishing their training in UK. As of late the administration especially center the movement procedure of understudies for making corrections. The seniors of UK instruction division that the move of government towards Tier 4 understudy migration program may antagonistically impact the advanced education establishments and the entire economy. The administration especially sent for choosing about the understudy visa arrangement of UK as indicated by the new principles and approaches. Moreover the quantities of migration given to the gifted laborers additionally undermined the instruction part on the grounds that the understudy which won't take advanced education may decrease the extent of colleges and it will be very hard for the locale to rival different nations most definitely (www. orkpermit. com). Pakistan is confronting extreme lawfulness circumstance notwithstanding political debates which contrarily impacting the pattern of outside venture. The ongoing vitality emergencies are likewise one of the elements which severely affecting the general advancement of economy. The joblessness rate as indicated by the legislature is 6 percent yet the genuine rate is exceptionally high in view of the moderate monetary turn of events. During the ongoing years the development of the nation fundamentally diminished while the expansion rate is especially expanding. Then again food costs have additionally exceptional expanded. The UN Human Development Report assessed the destitution during 2011 around 50 percent populace. The expansion rate was recorded at 7. 7 percent during 2007 which was crossed 13 percent during the year 2011. The money estimation of Pakistan has diminished by 40 percent since 2007 because of such conditions (www. cia. gov). The instruction offices in Pakistan are albeit growing yet at the same time require noteworthy regard for rival the worldwide market. The proficiency pace of the nation is exceptionally low and evaluated as around 50 percent in which 63 percent are guys while remaining are females. The administration pronounced 2. 7 percent of yearly GDP for the instruction part with the goal that further schools can be created and built up as indicated by the need of populace. Keeping in see the costs proclaimed for instruction part when contrasted with the staying scene the nation is at 142nd position which is significantly low position (www. cia. gov). Service for instruction is performing basic job for the improvement training part in Pakistan. The key point is to elevate instruction as indicated by the arrangements and plans characterized by the administration of the firm. Under this service training strategy for 1998-2010 was set up for altogether centering the general improvement instructive division inside Pakistan. In this approach the training of the country and Islamic information was especially engaged for sensible turn of events. Proficiency, non-formal, basic, optional and educator training were additionally included. The administration especially engaged professional and specialized instruction notwithstanding advanced education for the understudies with the goal that the need of the market can be satisfied. The legislature likewise especially engaged the private division which is reliably and quickly creating inside Pakistan for giving upto the imprint quality instruction to the country (http://www. moe. gov. pk). The advanced education area of Pakistan is confronting issues because of critical decrease in the financial plan during the most recent two years (2010 and 2011). Directly the administration is spending around 1. 8 percent of its GDP on instruction and on the planet there are just six nations discovered which are following Pakistan. The up and coming issues for the instruction division of Pakistan are further basic as the legislature has intended to decline the advanced education framework to the territories till 2014. It will be a gigantic misfortune to the up and coming age as the standard of training will be diminished notwithstanding immense wastage of cash contributed for the improvement of the area. The strategies of the legislature are contrarily affecting the advancement of training segment in spite of the fact that there is essential prerequisite of focal power which guarantees the improvement of instruction segment (newsweekpakistan. com).
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Defining Causes of Amer. Revolu. essays
Characterizing Causes of Amer. Revolu. expositions One of the characterizing purposes of history was the American Revolution. Unendingly canvassed in study halls the country over, it was a period that influenced such huge numbers of in such a limited quantity of time. However, what were the genuine reasons for the American Revolution? The most essential of reasons are, obviously, identified with a countries economy. Numerous wars, even today, are started on the grounds that one nation feels it doesn't have equivalent exchange relations with another and is getting the supposed worst part of the deal. This happened more than 200 years prior, among England and the provinces, touching off the fire of opportunity in the pioneers. At the point when the provinces were established, the main objective England had was to expand the measure of gold in its Treasury. To do this, they required a parity of exchange their kindness. To achieve this errand, shippers utilized mercantilism in their arrangement of exchanging with the states. Mercantilism depends on the conviction that if a nation has more land, than an expanded benefit can be made. In any case, England being an island, there was a set measure of land that could be had. Basically, Englands residents and its administration needed to look somewhere else. The look turned westbound over the Atlantic Ocean, to the New World. In the wake of vanquishing the eastern seaboard, England set about misusing the regular assets in the provinces. For a period, the provinces dispatched crude materials to English industrial facilities, who created merchandise from these materials, at that point offered the items to the pilgrims at an expanded cost. Notwithstanding, this didn't last, as England turned out to be progressively ravenous and approached vanquishing lands in the Far East, for example, India, and different islands, for example, Australia. Britain expelled quite a bit of its impact from the settlements, leaving them with a time of helpful disregard, empowering the provinces to set up exchanging with numerous different nations. During this time of success, England went to the acknowledgment that it... <!
Friday, August 21, 2020
California's Diverse Population Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
California's Diverse Population - Essay Example An assorted populace turns into the characterizing normal for current California. This acknowledgment brings about individuals existing together inside a similar domain agreeably. Inside the way toward living respectively, certain components of the way of life become shared and learned between the individuals. Osmosis has been portrayed as the procedure through which societies start to take after each other through shared qualities and practices. The way of life which results from absorption has been contrasted with a liquid pot or a bowl of plate of mixed greens due to the different components which are included. The part of a bowl of plate of mixed greens doesn't completely fit into the portrayal of osmosis since it just means the concurrence of various social foundations inside a similar locale. The multicultural social orders can be impeccably portrayed by the idea of a serving of mixed greens bowl where osmosis has not happened. The blend idea likewise doesn't obviously depict the component of social osmosis. This is on the grounds that regardless of the social components getting stirred up, there are still hints of the distinctions which characterize each culture (Sunday Review, 2014). The subsequent culture becomes something else from all the rest, yet the acts of each culture are not totally dispensed with. Social absorption can be characterized as a procedure through which ones social practices start to take after the acts of another culture. The idea of digestion portrays impact which the progressions have on both social foundation and much of the time brings about the advancement of a special culture among the individuals. This new culture conveys hints of both social foundations and now and then it could turn into a more grounded culture. These social changes regularly happen slowly over an extensive stretch of time until there can be an obviously particular culture inside the general public (Le, 2014). The selection of social qualities ordinarily happens immediately because of saw social prevalence of one
Saturday, August 8, 2020
A Guide to Argumentative Math Essay Topics
<h1> A Guide to Argumentative Math Essay Topics </h1> <p>There's another contention that is very paper to scatter, and that is the reaction of one of a kind assortments of understudies to the web learning worldview. The decision assumes a vital job in the inclination it ties up the entire paper. Exposition giggling is the absolute best medication. Characterize it in your words. </p> <h2> The Basic Facts of Argumentative Math Essay Topics </h2> <p>What's more, the extraordinary lion's share of understudies would already be able to get understudy advances to cover educational cost and upkeep. Making training free would demonstrate the cash should be found from somewhere else. Free reaction In papers like the usa and the United Kingdomessays have come to be a significant segment of official instruction in the sort of totally free reaction questions. There are different things that impact kid improvement. </p> <p>It's additionally sig nificant that a differential condition may not contain an obscure capacity, some of its subordinates and completely free factors at all, however by the by, it must contain a minumum of one variable. On the other side, there's non-Euclidean geometry. Shape, space and estimations are normally fundamental for this subject of life. It's essential to unmistakably characterize any factors that may be utilized. </p> <p>Just take two or three minutes to check to find that the appropriate response is right utilizing any recipes to find the arrangement. The chances are that you will find segments of the paper that are brimming with errors or parts that need clearness. As a result, it is significantly simpler to control you won't have to peruse a hundred pages in 1 go, and if something ought to be updated you'll see the issue right off the bat. With a tad of creativity you'll have the option to improve even very basic subjects to acquire an assortment of numerical skills.</p> <h2> Details of Argumentative Math Essay Topics </h2> <p>The condition of home is fundamental in the development of a child in the youth. Right off the bat, somebody needs to cover instruction. It isn't useful for youngsters' inclining and won't move them to need to discover more. That is the chief explanation that kids shouldn't go for repetition learning. </p> <p>In reality, there are numerous pugnacious of proof that guarantee hindered understudies aren't accepting anyplace near the sort of favorable circumstances that internet learning foundations and advertisers are endeavoring to prompt. Utilizing numeracy is very critical for a country hoping to contend in an overall economy. Maybe, among the best ways to deal with exhibit inventiveness in math is by method of a character question. Along these lines, the center isn't only spellbinding. </p> <h2> The War Against Argumentative Math Essay Topics </h2> <p>You should offer data which is identified with your postulation. To create an exploration paper on Mathematics isn't an issue for our scholars. In the event that you are looking for help with your article, at that point we give an extensive composing administration given by completely qualified scholastics in your general vicinity of study. Exposition subjects quality organization. </p> <p>Some r egularly react that science is basic for practically the entirety of the employments and it improves basic considering abilities someone. Unique strategies will help kids to make early numeracy capacities. Shockingly maths can give assistance! Math and a few of its perspectives are a huge part of routine life. </p> <p>Economic A monetary exposition can paper with a postulation, or it can start with a topic. You don't have to buy excessively, and you certainly don't wish to buy nearly nothing... Ideally these situations will furnish you with certain tips for your article. It will change reliant on the topic of conversation and the theory articulation that is made. </p> <p>These are only a couple of the most successive sorts of investigative articles. Friend alters help give the paper a more extensive assortment of clearness. As enticing as it would seem to avoid past the additional data and go directly to the rundown of influential exposition points, don't do it.</p> <h2>The Secret to Argumentative Math Essay Topics </h2> <p>Be sure that the cure is exact. Next, offer the response to the issue, and afterward show how it was found. All around the globe the I Q tests fuse an appraisal relying upon the arrangement of numeracy thus it is fundamental piece of our lives. </p> <h2> The Do's and Don'ts of Argumentative Math Essay Topics </h2> <p>Another way that variable based math could be used in the sport of football is endeavoring to get the general increase or loss of yards made by the players. Additionally, arithmetic is applied every day in the markets. In spite of the fact that some state totall y free open transportation would help the earth and lessening traffic, others think absolutely free open transportation is excessively expensive, and the legislature can't stand to cover it. In different countries, hostile to separation laws boycott the thought of factious segregation, implying that a wide range of racial paper including detest discourse are banned. </p>
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
Generate Random College Papers Without The Suxness
<h1>Generate Random College Papers Without The Suxness</h1><p>There are many individuals out there who are attempting to create arbitrary school papers, yet they're treating it terribly. First of all, on the off chance that you need to create irregular school papers you have to keep it basic and clear, so read on for some simple tips.</p><p></p><p>The first thing that you have to do when attempting to produce arbitrary school papers is to ensure that you comprehend what you're doing. You have to get the principle thought of how you will create arbitrary school papers down, and it ought to be something that is straightforward. This implies you have to focus on the words and thoughts in the paper. At the point when you're attempting to create arbitrary school papers, ensure that you invest energy in each and every word that you read in the paper.</p><p></p><p>If you don't focus on the words that you read and essentially rehash them verbatim as though they were your own, at that point you will get only fatigue. You have to have a similar outlook as an author - so in the event that you need to produce arbitrary school papers, at that point you have to take on a similar mindset as an essayist, dislike a reader.</p><p></p><p>Now, you may believe that disposing of the entirety of your assumptions about school papers is going to support you. Be that as it may, it's really going to hurt you, on the grounds that once you begin doing things the correct way, you'll start to build up an unheard of level of regard for the composing process.</p><p></p><p>You see, you will need to experience each line of content and see what the primary thoughts are. By doing this, you will have the option to perceive how the subject of the paper remains solitary in the sections and even in the article itself.</p><p></p><p>You'll see that when you begin prod ucing irregular school papers, you're going to feel a tremendous feeling of fulfillment and achievement. It may even happen that you wind up composing a draft that you're going to present to your school direction instructor and he's going to reveal to you that the thoughts truly stick out like a sore thumb.</p><p></p><p>Of course, in case you're creating arbitrary school papers for the sake of entertainment, you may have the option to achieve this without contemplating it such much. In any case, when you begin doing it professionally, you have to work more earnestly and begin focusing on each and every sentence that you read.</p><p></p><p>This is the most ideal approach to create arbitrary school papers. So begin today, and you're going to find that when you do, you will be exceptionally content with the results.</p>
Thursday, July 16, 2020
Inspirational Essay Topics
<h1>Inspirational Essay Topics</h1><p>While there are numerous helpful article points, most scholars pick an interesting subject that is both keen and urges them to investigate further with their composition. Regardless of whether you need to expound on your preferred book, somebody acclaimed or even a strict idea, it very well may be trying to locate a rousing article theme that will move you and breath life into your thoughts. So as to pick a moving exposition theme, there are a few things you ought to do.</p><p></p><p>First, consider the subject of your rousing article points cautiously. On the off chance that you need to expound on a theme that is important to you by and by, you might not have any desire to expound on a religion, or a book, or even a melodic. Every one of these points can raise negative sentiments in your psyche and may not be helpful for acceptable writing.</p><p></p><p>It is additionally essentia l to think about the length of your imaginative theme. While a short subject might be somewhat simpler to expound on, it can likewise be hard to be innovative on. Thus, an imaginative subject of five pages or less might be unreasonably long for your crowd. You will need to remember that the crowd you are composing for isn't really the individuals who read your paper, yet the individuals who are happy to understand it and use it as an inventive outlet for their own lives.</p><p></p><p>Next, when you are attempting to discover rousing exposition subjects, think about the idea of your crowd. Most understudies love persuasive papers since they offer the chance to discuss themselves. It isn't just valuable to expound on yourself, yet additionally to expound on your qualities and shortcomings. The idea of your crowd will impact the kind of subject you ought to pick, so make certain to pick a point that they will discover interesting.</p><p></p>< ;p>Finally, in the event that you are going to utilize rousing paper themes, you will need to choose themes that intrigue to your companions, family and collaborators. For instance, you might need to pick a renowned individual or gathering that everybody in your circle knows. Along these lines, you can communicate similar thoughts and ideas that rouse you, yet can abstain from clarifying the different wellsprings of inspiration.</p><p></p><p>Now that you have a few thoughts regarding the kinds of points you need to expound on, you will need to pick a particular reason. On the off chance that you are hoping to expound on your own life, you will likely need to do this on a blog. In the event that you are hoping to expound on a specific book, you can do that also. Along these lines, your crowd can figure out the ideas you will be discussing.</p><p></p><p>Once you have picked a particular subject, you will need to explore the sources an d compose a unique thought that makes a valid statement. Since the reason for your rousing article is to invigorate and spur your crowd, it is important that you adhere to the fundamental principles of good composition. On the off chance that you don't focus on these essential principles, you may miss significant subtleties and parts of a story that are required for your crowd to ingest the message.</p><p></p><p>Inspirational exposition subjects are ideal for essayists, regardless of what their specialized topic. On the off chance that you are an understudy, you can compose an article on a most loved writer, or possibly you need to expound on your background. Notwithstanding the idea of your point, there are many motivating article themes out there that you can pick from.</p>
Monday, July 6, 2020
Using Religious Essay Topics in Classroom Interaction
<h1>Using Religious Essay Topics in Classroom Interaction</h1><p>Argumentative paper points are one of the most significant instruments for helping your understudies settle on the best choices about their life. Your understudy's life relies upon the choices they make on each point they address. They will be generally keen on points that they have some close to home information on, yet additionally some profundity to them. Numerous understudies will be progressively disposed to settle on a choice for themselves and say something regarding these topics.</p><p></p><p>However, you would prefer not to constrain your understudies' capacity to settle on educated decisions by having them just pick between a few points. The more themes they can handle, the more choices they will have for settling on a choice. This is particularly evident on the off chance that they are as of now thinking about a wide scope of issues.</p><p></p><p& gt;To ensure your understudies have an assortment of strict subjects to examine, consider making exposition themes around the Bible, the Torah, the Quran, or different strict points. Start with an intriguing point, similar to how to move toward the Torah, or the Torah and the New Testament, or the Old Testament. At that point assemble the whole subject from there.</p><p></p><p>Use the themes you make to enable your understudies to isolate the pieces of the Bible, the pieces of the Torah, and the pieces of the Quran. By concentrating on a couple of subjects, you can help them by furnishing them with various perspectives. By realizing which side of the contention you will be inclining toward, your understudies can all the more effectively gauge the issue with a fair position. They will be bound to settle on a choice dependent on what is genuinely pertinent to them, instead of picking a side absolutely dependent on tradition.</p><p></p><p> ;When you make factious exposition subjects dependent on strict points, ensure you additionally remember those themes for the conversation. Regularly, the understudies will go to one of the themes they know about and afterward begin examining different points. Since they definitely know the contentions, they won't feel as though they are being quieted. Rather, they can without much of a stretch utilize these contentions to make an inference dependent on what they definitely know, instead of falling back on daze faith.</p><p></p><p>Remember, the more various the points that you remember for your article, the more possibilities you need to utilize a similar contention in the paper itself. This implies you can utilize the contentions you use in the study hall to make the contention you will use in the paper. The manner in which you furnish them with the contentions you need them to utilize will be a significant piece of the general arrangement. For instance, in the event that you are contending against the idea of an exacting interpretation of the Bible, you may just utilize the word 'interpretation' once in the exposition, yet in addition use it multiple times in the remainder of the paper. Make certain to compose each time with accentuation so your understudy isn't diverted by the phrase.</p><p></p><p>There are a wide range of kinds of strict exposition points, you can make, contingent upon the subject you are introducing. Be that as it may, by utilizing these kinds of expositions in your exercises, you will take advantage of your study hall time. Numerous understudies may feel like they have no clue what they ought to compose, however as a general rule, these points can really assist them with making a more grounded contention. This is on the grounds that they have just built up an individual view on the issue, just as hearing the contentions against it.</p>
Monday, June 22, 2020
Comparing Comparative Politics Essay Topics
<h1>Comparing Comparative Politics Essay Topics</h1><p>Comparing the near legislative issues paper subjects for your homeroom are no simple errand. You need to ensure that you evaluate all the appropriate standards so as to pick the themes that will best suit your understudies and that is likewise perfectly for your taste.</p><p></p><p>Consider two unique issues. How might one gathering effectively win a political triumph, when he is no less a gathering than the other? As we as a whole know, each and every fair government isn't majority rule. Along these lines, we need to confront this reality and discover the near legislative issues exposition subjects dependent on the particular states of political rivalry, yet additionally the general conditions.</p><p></p><p>Then, consider that the understudy can without much of a stretch distinguish right solutions to your inquiries. Not a solitary understudy may differ to the pro position explanation. Presently, take a gander at the political associations, since all the associations are paying special mind to triumph, they will request that their applicants ought to win.</p><p></p><p>The fundamental things that are being dealt with here are that these associations might want to achieve triumph by getting competitors chose in all the circles. They will just advance applicants who can win them the election.</p><p></p><p>Now, take a gander at the near legislative issues exposition points also, and make it sure that the understudies comprehend the result and the ramifications of their support. Also, for that, you need to remember the plan of the legislators for which they will come in and what they will do so as to guarantee their victory.</p><p></p><p>With such a plan, the understudies are bound to need to be a piece of it. They must know that the stakes are excessively high and that they m ay lose everything on the off chance that they don't attempt their level best.</p><p></p><p>Even when you go into the political circle, you need to remember that there is nothing amiss with state communism. We as a whole realize that it won't make the world perfect.</p>
Friday, June 19, 2020
The supernatural and ordinary reality - Free Essay Example
The supernatural and ordinary reality are worlds that exist side by side. I dont believe the truth is out there, I believe it is within. To discover the truth and power within is to walk in the supernatural.-Rudolfo Anaya. The supernatural and magic are strong essences presented throughout Anayas captivating novel. There are many ways the characters of Bless Me Ultima and even the state of New Mexico reflect his comments. One of my favorite ways Ultima reflects Anayas comments is when she gives her final blessing to Antonio, I bless you in the name of all that is good and strong and beautiful, Antonio. Always have the strength to live. Love life, and if despair enters your heart, look for me in the evenings when the wind is gentle and the owls sing in the hills. I shall be with youâ⬠(Bless Me Ultima, pg. 247). This beautiful statement signifies her spiritual being that connects all living things and she assures him that her spirit will prevail with him and the lessons she has taught him will continue to help guide him. Another example that reflects Anayas comments is a conversation Antonio has with his father Gabriel. Understanding does not come that easy, Tonyâ⬠. You mean God doesnt give understanding? Understanding comes with life, he answered, as a man grows, he sees life and death, he is happy and sad, he works, plays, meets peopleâ⬠sometimes it takes a lifetime to acquire understanding, because in the end, understanding simply means having a sympathy for people, ( Bless Me Ultima, pg. 237). In that conversation Gabriel also mentions, Ultima has sympathy for people, and it is so complete that with it she can touch their souls and cure themâ⬠. That is her magicâ⬠Ay and no greater magic can exist. But in the end, magic is magic, and one does not explain it so easily. That is why it is magic. To the child, it is natural, but for the grown man it loses its naturalnessâ⬠so as old men we see a different reality. And when we dream, it is usually for a lost childhood, or t rying to change someone and that is not good. So, in the end, I accept reality. (Bless Me Ultima, pg. 237). Ultima is wise and mysterious. We are torn between whether she is an ordinary woman with extraordinary power or if she may be of the supernatural world. A way Antonio reflects Anayas comments is when he sees the Golden Carp for the very first time. As he describes, the story Cico told him was unbelievable but it made perfect sense. He then goes home and shares the story with Ultima, and she smiles because she knows. He questions whether he should believe the story or not and Ultima replies, I cannot tell you what to believe As you grow into manhood you must find your own truths. (Bless Me Ultima, pg. 111-112) Another aspect that I think really reflects Rudolfo Anayas comment, To discover the truth and power within is to walk in the supernatural., are the vivid dreams sequences Antonio has foreshadowing the events that take place in the novel. The dreams help put things in perspective for Antonio as he transforms through his journey. Ultima teaches that things are not always as they seem, and they cannot be accepted that way. The whole must be looked at in order to truly understand. Antonio learns much from his experiences and uses Ultimas teachings to stay open minded and gain wisdom. In the end, however, Antonio learns that he must go his own path to reach total peace of mind and have the control over his dreams, not letting his dreams control him. Lastly, when thinking about the supernatural and the ordinary reality of the world, the state of New Mexico provides a great example of how those two things interact. New Mexico has been and is still greatly influenced by the Catholic Church. Prior to the arrival of the Spaniards, the Indigenous people who lived here worshiped very differently. Ultima is also a perfect example of blending cultures. Even though she practices indigenous beliefs she is still respectful of the Catholic Church. She attends mass and never tells Antonio that the things the church professes are wrong. She always encourages him to look within and come up with his own opinions/decisions. Bless Me Ultima has many themes and shares so much magic and history. Its super natural essence brings a powerful dynamic to the reading and makes it unforgettable. I enjoyed this book and I am glad I was given the opportunity to read it. In conclusion, these a few ways in which the characters of Bless Me Ultima and even the state of New Mexico reflect Rudolfo Anayas comments.
Friday, June 12, 2020
Student Literature Essay Writing Prompts - Helping You Come Up With A Good Idea
Student Literature Essay Writing Prompts - Helping You Come Up With A Good IdeaHaving trouble coming up with a student literature essay prompt? Sometimes, just thinking about the topic can be difficult, especially if you don't think that your students will even be able to think of anything. If this is the case, you should try doing research. You can easily find almost any kind of literature essay writing prompt online.The first thing you should do is find some examples. You can find these examples by searching for them on various sites. You will be surprised how many sites you can find online that offer literature essays prompts.Now you are going to want to decide which topic you want to write about. What kind of book or story would you like to write about? Do you want to write an article about a certain author? There are countless topics that you can choose from. Once you have chosen a topic, it will be easy to pick out the question.It will also be good to know what kind of characte rs you want to portray in your book. If you want to use classic characters then you will want to write a novel. However, if you want to write a short story then you will want to pick a character that will be very short. You will also want to determine how your characters will react to their situations. The last thing you want to do is have your student act like a stand-in.The main concept is the most important thing you should consider when you write an essay. Do you want to use sub-topics throughout the essay? How do you want your student to understand the concept? These are all very important factors to consider when you write a literature student essay prompt.It will also be a good idea to start with an outline. This will help you make sure that your student gets everything they need to get through the entire assignment. An outline will help you keep your students interested in the project. You will want to give them an outline so that they will not run away from the project.Fina lly, you want to use different things throughout the assignment. You can use different images, quotes, and other words throughout the assignment. This way, your student will get to see different things throughout the assignment and also learn new words.Using this guide will help you come up with a good idea of a literature student essay writing prompt. Use this guide to help you out on a project. Your students will be more likely to enjoy the project if they feel they can tackle it.
Sunday, May 31, 2020
The Course Book Review - James Stuart Mill: Liberty Essay Topics and Trends
<h1>The Course Book Review - 'James Stuart Mill: Liberty Essay Topics and Trends'</h1><p>'James Stuart Mill: Liberty Essay Topics and Trends' investigates what Mill saw as the two primary patterns in political idea between the late seventeenth century and the twentieth century. Time permitting, he noted, Europe was at war with itself in Europe and America, and there was no genuine basic political vision. Rather, there were a few adversary belief systems that appeared to transcend the others.</p><p></p><p>With the late nineteenth century, be that as it may, that has changed and in a 'truly ground-breaking way,' the regular scholarly and political vision have started to rise. We can see the developing vision in the works of scholars like James Madison, Jefferson, and John Locke.</p><p></p><p>'James Stuart Mill: Liberty Essay Topics and Trends' is loaded up with content from all the significant masterminds in the course o f the last 300 years on different Liberty Essay Topics and Trends. It was a serious undertaking, yet it's well justified, despite all the trouble. I adored the asset box toward the end, which expressed that the course is intended to assist understudies with turning out to be mentally mindful and drawn in residents. As far as concerns me, I figure I did just that.</p><p></p><p>The principle advantage I see of 'James Stuart Mill: Liberty Essay Topics and Trends' is the accompanying: It shows you the essentials of Liberty Essay Topics and Trends, just as giving an abundance of free online courses and understanding material. Furthermore, its fundamental drawback is it isn't exceptionally far reaching in scope. Since it covers just a single subject, its increasingly tight center leaves less space for blunder than, state, what you can discover in a significant number of the online school classes.</p><p></p><p>That stated, it's as yet a brill iant course, which covers a tremendous assortment of Liberty Essay Topics and Trends. There are genuine articles accessible from individuals like Thomas Paine, John Stuart Mill, Voltaire, and Francis Bacon.</p><p></p><p>Even in the event that you have perused nothing on Liberty Essay Topics and Trends previously, you'll have the option to at any rate take a gander at a portion of the suggested readings and you'll likewise discover a wide range of different assets for additional investigation. You may likewise find a few points for future investigation, or you may choose it's a great opportunity to begin some increasingly free reading.</p><p></p><p>Overall, the course is an extraordinary prologue to Liberty Essay Topics and Trends. I truly appreciated finding out about them through this course.</p>
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
How to Write a Long Essay in Human Resource Management
The most effective method to Write a Long Essay in Human Resource ManagementIn reality, there are various kinds of short papers in HRM, postulations incorporate different decision, full article, exposition with reaction and article question. With the assistance of these article subjects, you will have the option to compose an additionally intriguing story. Remember that you should have the option to locate the best subject for your essay.In a few cases, there are some long paper themes in human asset the board that can be utilized. For instance, when you intend to compose a paper about a real existence time, there is a typical term called so. This specific name can be acceptable as it is very engaging. There are a few specialists who utilize this term to portray the individual being referred to. The person's profession or part of his vocation in a specific organization or organization.As you are utilizing a short paper in human asset the executives, it is essential to consider the se ntence structure. With this, you will have the option to feature the most significant focuses and it will be simpler for you to compose something worth perusing. More often than not, we will have the option to figure out how to compose such a long story, that will be amusing to read.As you are picking a short exposition in human asset the board, you have to consider what the fundamental subject will be. You have to compose a progression of passages, which portray the life of the individual being referred to. You ought to have the option to make reference to all his experience, accomplishments and where he has been for the past years.Always attempt to compose the appropriate data in the presentation, which is the main section. With this, you can begin the story in an appropriate manner. Use words, for example, achievement, disappointment, and accomplishments. Set aside the effort to think of some great ones.To completion the article, you can complete the paper by referencing the inqu iry toward the end. Attempt to close the article by referencing your sentiment about the individual being referred to. Try not to be excessively strict. Reveal to him your motivation behind why you think he is effective or an extraordinary pioneer. It is essential to include an exposition question at long last with the goal that it very well may be recalled by the reader.When you are composing a short paper in human asset the executives, there are a few hints that you can follow. In the first place, you have to consider the need of the exposition and where you can discover the assets. You can likewise set aside the effort to concentrate on these article points so you find out about the subject. At long last, you will have the option to compose a useful article that can improve your resume and your organization's notoriety.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Scholarship Essay Examples: Choosing The Right Writing Format
<h1>Scholarship Essay Examples: Choosing The Right Writing Format</h1><p>If you're an understudy searching for grants that might be accessible to you, you should experience the way toward composing a grant article. So as to be qualified for a grant, you should compose a grant paper. This article will assist you with getting comfortable with the kinds of paper models that are accessible for your utilization when composing a grant essay.</p><p></p><p>One of the fundamental components of a grant exposition is the proposition proclamation. The announcement should make an understood and all around bolstered contention for the grant that is being advertised. Thus, the examination and composing that are required so as to think of a noteworthy proposition proclamation should be made conceivable by utilizing grant paper tests. The various sorts of article tests that are accessible can assist you with making a great explanation that will stand apart fr om the entirety of the others in the class.</p><p></p><p>These kinds of papers are regularly utilized as a prologue to the scholastic exposition or the theory articulation. Rather than beginning the scholastic paper with a standard conventional explanation, it's increasingly suitable to start the scholarly article in a way that can be simpler to peruse. By using grant paper tests, you can compose a scholastic exposition that will be simpler to peruse. The way that you can do this without composing anything at all shows that the grant article models are really helping you to compose a grant essay.</p><p></p><p>When composing scholarly expositions, a particular arrangement of rules must be followed. A portion of these standards may not be recognizable to the understudy. To help make this procedure simpler for the understudy, numerous grant paper tests incorporate example sentences and passages that can assist the understudy with followin g the scholastic exposition composing rules. By utilizing the various models, the understudy will have the option to get comfortable with the principles of scholastic composition before they start writing.</p><p></p><p>Using these examples will empower the understudy to find out about various wellsprings of data for grant articles. By utilizing a portion of the various sources that are remembered for the grant article models, the understudy will have the option to get more thoughts and the capacity to pick the best hotspots for the exposition. This will give the understudy the capacity to compose a significant and useful exposition that they can submit to a school.</p><p></p><p>Of course, composing a scholarly article is no simple errand. Regardless of whether the understudy is a practiced author, the scholastic paper may not be as simple as it initially shows up. The way that there are various principles for composing a scholarly pape r implies that the understudy might be in an ideal situation following the models accessible to them. It will require some push to get comfortable with the different kinds of sentences that are utilized in the various sorts of paper tests, however by utilizing these examples, the understudy will have the option to start composing a quality essay.</p><p></p><p>Scholarship exposition models can likewise be utilized as an approach to test your composing aptitudes. The various organizations of the composing tests accessible can assist you with improving your composing aptitudes and build up the sorts of composing that is expected to compose a scholarly exposition. Numerous grant article models incorporate papers that attention on composing abilities, for example, the creation segment. By utilizing a similar composing styles and different kinds of paper models, the understudy will have the option to move into the following degree of composing and proceed to the fo llowing degree of scholastic writing.</p><p></p><p>If you're attempting to think of a decent contention for applying for a grant, a grant exposition might be the apparatus that you need. In any case, in case you don't know how to begin, it is critical to utilize the grant exposition tests accessible. You can discover a wide range of exposition tests that can be utilized to compose a great contention for you to use in your application. By figuring out how to function with the various kinds of paper tests, you will have the option to compose an amazing contention for the school that is looking to finance your education.</p>
Friday, May 22, 2020
Essay Topics Ideas For Graphic Design
<h1>Essay Topics Ideas For Graphic Design</h1><p>When composing an exposition, the most ideal approach to make it intriguing is to think about a scope of paper themes thoughts for visual communication. A portion of these thoughts are incredible for scholarly courses, yet others are simply ideal for getting you snared on that theme for your long haul study.</p><p></p><p>If you don't care for one thought, at that point you can generally make another. That is the reason you ought to have various exposition subjects thoughts for visual depiction at the top of the priority list. So when you begin composing your paper, you'll have a wide scope of subjects that will give the motivation you have to bring your expositions into life.</p><p></p><p>Some of the most well-known methods of utilizing your instructive article themes thoughts for visual communication is as research materials, or to tell the historical backdrop of your p oint. On the off chance that you need to track your subject, at that point you can look at some school or college site and read the subject of their past researchers. On the off chance that they took a shot at it for quite a while, you can search for references online to decide if they utilized visual computerization to draw out the particular message of their articles.</p><p></p><p>Aside from how notable your theme is, it is likewise essential to remember what sort of visual communication are you going to utilize. In the event that your subject is a political development, at that point you ought to expound on its history, its pioneers, and what bearing they went over the span of their work. On the off chance that it is an item or an assistance you can offer, at that point you can discuss that as well.</p><p></p><p>Another approach to go for your article is to expound on visual investigations. For example, in the event that you're inte nding to discuss how creatures affected the human world, at that point you should consider how creatures molded the civic establishments, how they changed the manner in which individuals live, and how they made us change the manner in which we act and get things done. To make it intriguing, you can include data about life systems, science, and humanism. Beside finding out about your subject, composing an exposition is additionally a decent method to dazzle your potential boss. By finding out about the topic, your boss can perceive how you can make the activity additionally fascinating. Also, in the event that he sees that you're fit for utilizing your aptitudes in this field, at that point your potential boss will feel he has a decent competitor on his hands.</p><p></p><p>When you have taken in a ton about various paper themes thoughts for visual computerization, you would now be able to breath life into your thoughts. This will be a perfect route for you to transform your fantasy about turning into a visual fashioner into reality.</p>
Monday, May 18, 2020
What Types of MBA Essay Samples Are Out There?
<h1>What Types of MBA Essay Samples Are Out There?</h1><p>It is reasonable to ponder about what sorts of MBA exposition tests are out there. All things considered, in the event that you are an understudy who is pondering getting into the field of business, at that point you can have confidence that there are alternatives out there that you could look over so as to additionally improve your odds of progress. In any case, above all, you ought to have the option to see which one will be the best for you, regardless of whether you are as of now an applicant or you are as yet keen on seeking after your instruction further.</p><p></p><p>There are heaps of various kinds of MBA exposition tests accessible, and it is frequently the situation that they contain fundamentally the same as highlights. The best activity is to realize which sort of test is the most suitable for you and your desires. All things considered, one approach to decide this is to ex amination into what you are attempting to achieve by getting a MBA degree. On the off chance that you are planning to get rich or well off, at that point you should search for some composing tests that are identified with a specific type of composing (for instance, on the off chance that you need to compose articles for a magazine or a blog, at that point you should search for composing tests that are identified with this).</p><p></p><p>If you need to compose an article for a distribution, at that point you would require an example that is really founded on composing articles for distribution. Regardless of whether you have a solid foundation in correspondence, on the off chance that you have a significant activity that expects you to represent a more significant position authority, at that point you should search for composing tests that are identified with that. You would discover composing tests for MBA related writing in which the writer states what he/sh e thinks, instead of what a person says. This is not quite the same as the typical composing samples.</p><p></p><p>Writing tests for these kinds of composing will consistently incorporate an area where the writer gives reasons why he/she has composed the article. This is done to set up the believability of the writer and to set up the motivation behind why the author composed this specific article. The contention as a rule expresses that the essayist had an individual encounter that could enable the peruser to comprehend what he/she is experiencing, and that this article can enable the peruser to comprehend the issue all the more unmistakably. All things considered, individuals use articles to mention to others what they think, and an author needs to show the intensity of his/her considerations so as to persuade others to accept them.</p><p></p><p>In expansion to the individual encounters, the MBA exposition tests must have the certain ty of the writer, just as the way that they are consistent with the realities expressed. This isn't the situation with the ordinary composing tests. Typically, the essayist doesn't place any connections or references in the papers, so on the off chance that the peruser isn't searching for any data, at that point they would essentially have no clue that the writer has originated from anyplace in the world.</p><p></p><p>If you are as yet unsure about which sort of composing test is directly for you, at that point you ought to just contact the business college confirmations workplaces at your school or college, as this can truly be useful. They will have the option to give you more data about the schools that offer composing tests, and you would then be able to settle on the correct choice about which one will work best for you.</p><p></p><p>Whatever you do, ensure that you follow the tips above, and that you will realize what sort of com posing test you ought to pick. Also, on the off chance that you are as yet uncertain, ask the affirmations office at your school or college, since they would have more data on the various types of composing tests that are advertised. What's more, the final product would be the most ideal one for you!</p>
Leopold and Loebââ¬Murder Just for the Thrill of It
On May 21, 1924, two brilliant, wealthy, Chicago teenagers attempted to commit the perfect crime just for the thrill of it. Nathan Leopold and Richard Loeb kidnapped 14-year-old Bobby Franks, bludgeoned him to death in a rented car, and then dumped Franks body in a distant culvert. Although they thought their plan was foolproof, Leopold and Loeb made a number of mistakes that led police right to them. The subsequent trial, featuring famous attorney Clarence Darrow, made headlines and was often referred to as the trial of the century. The Leopold and Loeb case is similar to other teen partner killings, such as the murder of Micaela Mickey Costanzo. Who Were Leopold and Loeb? Nathan Leopold was brilliant. He had an IQ of over 200 and excelled at school. By age 19, Leopold had already graduated from college and was in law school. Leopold was also fascinated with birds and was considered an accomplished ornithologist. However, despite being brilliant, Leopold was very awkward socially. Richard Loeb was also very intelligent, but not to the same caliber as Leopold. Loeb, who had been pushed and guided by a strict governess, had also been sent to college at a young age. However, once there, Loeb did not excel; instead, he gambled and drank. Unlike Leopold, Loeb was considered very attractive and had impeccable social skills. It was at college that Leopold and Loeb became close friends. Their relationship was both stormy and intimate. Leopold was obsessed with the attractive Loeb. Loeb, on the other hand, liked having a loyal companion on his risky adventures. The two teenagers, who had become both friends and lovers, soon began committing small acts of theft, vandalism, and arson. Eventually, the two decided to plan and commit the perfect crime. Planning the Murder It is debated as to whether it was Leopold or Loeb who first suggested they commit the perfect crime, but most believe it was Loeb. No matter who suggested it, both boys participated in the planning of it. The plan was simple: rent a car under an assumed name, find a wealthy victim (preferably a boy since girls were more closely watched), kill him in the car with a chisel, then dump the body in a culvert. Even though the victim was to be killed immediately, Leopold and Loeb planned on extracting a ransom from the victims family. The victims family would receive a letter instructing them to pay $10,000 in old bills, which they would later be asked to throw from a moving train. Interestingly, Leopold and Loeb spent a lot more time on figuring out how to retrieve the ransom than on who their victim was to be. After considering a number of specific people to be their victim, including their own fathers, Leopold and Loeb decided to leave the choice of victim up to chance and circumstance. The Murder On May 21, 1924, Leopold and Loeb were ready to put their plan into action. After renting a Willys-Knight automobile and covering its license plate, Leopold and Loeb needed a victim. Around 5 oclock, Leopold and Loeb spotted 14-year-old Bobby Franks, who was walking home from school. Loeb, who knew Bobby Franks because he was both a neighbor and a distant cousin, lured Franks into the car by asking Franks to discuss a new tennis racket (Franks loved to play tennis). Once Franks had climbed into the front seat of the car, the car took off. Within minutes, Franks was struck several times in the head with a chisel, dragged from the front seat into the back, and then had a cloth shoved down his throat. Lying limply on the floor of the back seat, covered with a rug, Franks died from suffocation. (It is believed that Leopold was driving and Loeb was in the back seat and was thus the actual killer, but this remains uncertain.) Dumping the Body As Franks lay dying or dead in the backseat, Leopold and Loeb drove toward a hidden culvert in the marshlands near Wolf Lake, a location known to Leopold because of his birding expeditions. On the way, Leopold and Loeb stopped twice. Once to strip Franks body of clothing and another time to buy dinner. Once it was dark, Leopold and Loeb found the culvert, shoved Franks body inside the drainage pipe and poured hydrochloric acid on Franks face and genitals to obscure the bodys identity. On their way home, Leopold and Loeb stopped to call the Franks home that night to tell the family that Bobby had been kidnapped. They also mailed the ransom letter. They thought they had committed the perfect murder. Little did they know that by the morning, Bobby Franks body had already been discovered and the police were quickly on the way to discovering his murderers. Mistakes and Arrest Despite having spent at least six months planning this perfect crime, Leopold and Loeb made a lot of mistakes. The first of which was the disposal of the body. Leopold and Loeb thought that the culvert would keep the body hidden until it had been reduced to a skeleton. However, on that dark night, Leopold and Loeb didnt realize that they had placed Franks body with the feet sticking out of the drainage pipe. The following morning, the body was discovered and quickly identified. With the body found, the police now had a location to start searching. Near the culvert, the police found a pair of glasses, which turned out to be specific enough to be traced back to Leopold. When confronted about the glasses, Leopold explained that the glasses must have fallen out of his jacket when he fell during a birding excavation. Although Leopolds explanation was plausible, the police continued to look into Leopolds whereabouts. Leopold said he had spent the day with Loeb. It didnt take long for Leopold and Loebs alibis to break down. It was discovered that Leopolds car, which they had said they had driven around all day in, had been actually been at home all day. Leopolds chauffeur had been fixing it. On May 31, just ten days after the murder, both 18-year-old Loeb and 19-year-old Leopold confessed to the murder. Leopold and Loebs Trial The young age of the victim, the brutality of the crime, the wealth of the participants, and the confessions, all made this murder front page news. With the public decidedly against the boys and an extremely large amount of evidence tying the boys to the murder, it was almost certain that Leopold and Loeb were going to receive the death penalty. Fearing for his nephews life, Loebs uncle went to famed defense attorney Clarence Darrow (who would later participate in the famous Scopes Monkey Trial) and begged him to take the case. Darrow was not asked to free the boys, for they were surely guilty; instead, Darrow was asked to save the boys lives by getting them life sentences rather than the death penalty. Darrow, a long-time advocate against the death penalty, took the case. On July 21, 1924, the trial against Leopold and Loeb began. Most people thought Darrow would plead them not guilty by reason of insanity, but in a surprising last-minute twist, Darrow had them plead guilty. With Leopold and Loeb pleading guilty, the trial would no longer require a jury because it would become a sentencing trial. Darrow believed that it would be harder for one man to live with the decision to hang Leopold and Loeb than it would be for twelve who would share the decision. The fate of Leopold and Loeb was to rest solely with Judge John R. Caverly. The prosecution had over 80 witnesses that presented the cold-blooded murder in all its gory details. The defense focused on psychology, especially the boys upbringing. On August 22, 1924, Clarence Darrow gave his final summation. It lasted approximately two hours and is considered one of the best speeches of his life. After listening to all the evidence presented and thinking carefully on the matter, Judge Caverly announced his decision on September 19, 1924. Judge Caverly sentenced Leopold and Loeb to jail for 99 years for kidnapping and for the rest of their natural lives for murder. He also recommended that they never be eligible for parole. The Deaths of Leopold and Loeb Leopold and Loeb were originally separated, but by 1931 they were again close. In 1932, Leopold and Loeb opened a school in the prison to teach other prisoners. On January 28, 1936, 30-year-old Loeb was attacked in the shower by his cellmate. He was slashed over 50 times with a straight razor and died of his wounds. Leopold stayed in prison and wrote an autobiography, Life Plus 99 Years. After spending 33 years in prison, 53-year-old Leopold was paroled in March of 1958 ââ¬â¹and moved to Puerto Rico, where he married in 1961. Leopold died on August 30, 1971, from a heart attack at age 66.
Sunday, May 17, 2020
The War Against Paintball Research Topics for a How to Paper
<h1> The War Against Paintball Research Topics for a How to Paper </h1> <p>This is actually why some talented players have CO2 tanks which are so enormous they should convey them on their backs. Backwoods ball is a bigger variant of paintball and there might be fortifications strongholds and bases. It isn't significant in case you're six or sixty. </p> <h2> The Principles of Paintball Research Topics for a How to Paper That You Will have the option to Learn From Beginning Immediately </h2> <p>Then there's the wellbeing goggles, these generally have the veil. When playing paintball you generally need to wear fitting wellbeing gear. To be a turtle you should have incredible persistence. </p> <h2> Choosing Paintball Research Topics for a How to Paper </h2> <p>To get moving on paint ball there are a few things you have to check at, all which I will endeavor to cover. These days you pull off your cover and keep in the playi ng nation. The face veil is expected to monitor your eyes for the most part. </p> <h2> Paintball Research Topics for a How to Paper - the Conspiracy</h2> <p>Hardly any people are harmed playing paintball. Many individuals additionally feel this game is amazingly risky and that children shouldn't play it and furthermore that it represents war. Not simply that, medicinally it has likewise been demonstrated to be the most secure game that makes it much more grounded. </p> <h2> The Number One Question You Must Ask for Paintball Research Topics for a How to Paper </h2> <p>But there's another sort of container that is getting increasingly more famous every single day. I was taking waste from a lot of people saying that I was a wuss who didn't have to have a hit. On the off chance that you paintball you become acquainted with the agony after you become hit a few times. You may understand that the test is new to such an extent that nobody has created a hypothesis. </p> <h2> What Paintball Research Topics for a How to Paper Is - and What it Is Not </h2> <p>The sport is very testing in that there are various interests on the territory. Exceptional fields have certain features. The banner for the most part is in the territory. Something else, a companion who's learned about science subjects may be awesome asset, too.</p> <p>The official will come to discover in the event that you have been it. When you get the banner you endeavor to discover the banner back to your beginning stage. On occasion you can watch a leg dwelling from a detour and take shots at that. I started to comprehend the game with each slaughter I house cleaner at that point in the end started to adore it. On every a large portion of, there's a main barricade that each crew begins behind. </p> <p>Next is the security gear. There's extraordinary hardware you must wear to protect you. Physical measurements and qu ality aren't as basic as knowledge and assurance. The main thing ought to be done after you've gotten the straightforward gear is load your air heavily clad battle vehicle and set the speed on your firearm. </p> <p>The rules of paintball are easy to grasp, yet are somewhat more adaptable than those of various games. There are three significant things that set paintball apart from various games. Is anything but a hazardous game. There is nevertheless one game that lawfully allows you to take shots at your adversaries. </p> <p>The lion's share of the guidelines are regular sense. The game requests greatness in deftness and the capacity to settle on choices on a quick note, notwithstanding cooperation taking a chance with the life expectancy of others. Presently you're prepared to play. There are two essential types of weapons used in paintballing, and they simply contrast because of their start of power. </p> <p>If you experience issues building up a subject, at that point you should accept some open door to visit with your educator. This can invigorate a stupendous encounter which can't be missed on the off chance that one is in a situation to manage. All things considered, when I go with my buddies and we have an equivalent number of players I will play speedball with them. Tune into the rest of this short article to gain proficiency with the real goal behind this arrangement. </p> <p>It's ever an excellent plan to get down with a total container since it's an extremely awful point to come up short on shade in a game. This holder is known as a container. In case you're playing for a drawn-out measure of clasp and will use an enormous total of paintballs, accordingly a portion of a case will be a lot of color to get down with. Gear In paintball there's various diverse basic and superfluous pieces of hardware. </p> <h2> Get the Scoop on Paintball Research Topics for a How to Paper Before You're Too Late </h2> <p>Next there's the paintball weapons and the manner in which they work. At the point when you have purchased your paintballs, now you should secure a weapon. There are different methodologies to paintball, this is the perfect way for learners Before you shoot your absolute first paintball you should consider the sort of vesture you wear to paintball. It is incredible in light of the fact that you take in numerous things from it. At the point when it was first begun individuals didn't utilize goggles. </p>
Thursday, May 14, 2020
How to Write a Letter Essay?
How to Write a Letter Essay?Writing a letter essay is a really tough job, mainly because it requires you to have some passion in writing. If you want to write a letter essay, you can easily do so by following a simple guide.The first thing that you should do is to prepare the topic of your essay. The topic is also referred to as the topic sentence. It is the first paragraph that contains your main idea of your essay.Another very important aspect of writing a letter essay is to write an introduction. This will introduce your topic, and briefly describe the focus of your topic. In addition, this introduction will help the reader to determine whether they want to read your essay. So, this first paragraph is a must.Writing a letter essay can be a lot easier if you know what you are going to write about. By knowing your topic first, you will be able to come up with the best topic sentence possible. You can choose from essay topics like art, business, music, etc.Aside from knowing the topi c first, writing a letter essay is also important because it will give your essay a purpose. If you are going to write an essay to get an A good grade, you need to know the correct structure of this type of essay.Another thing that you need to keep in mind when writing a letter essay is that you need to write a thesis statement, the title, and the conclusion statement. You need to put these three statements together to get a logical and coherent argument to support your arguments.You will notice that writing a letter essay is much different from writing a normal essay. But this is the only difference between the two. You have to do the same in order to write an excellent essay.However, when you are writing a letter essay, you need to be a little creative in making your letter essay. Keep in mind that every essay or letter that you write should be unique to make it stand out.
Topics to Write an Essay On For College
<h1>Topics to Write an Essay On For College</h1><p>Topics to compose a paper on for school will fluctuate dependent on the subject of the class and educational plan. The most effortless approach to find out about points to compose an article on for school is to take a gander at the educational plan diagram of the course you are taking. Along these lines, you can see the abilities and capabilities that are required to compose an article, and you can choose what zone of thinking of you have to concentrate on the most.</p><p></p><p>If you feel that you don't have any aptitudes and information about various branches of knowledge, you can take a training test that will assist you with taking advantage of your time reading and set yourself up for the genuine article. These training tests can be discovered on the web and can be exceptionally useful in finding out about various points to compose a paper on for school. To begin, you simply need to rou nd out the frame or go to the test supplier's website.</p><p></p><p>Most test suppliers offer a whole test, so you will have the alternative to compose various articles during the real semester. Remember that regardless of whether you take a training test on themes to compose an exposition on for school, you can in any case take other practice tests all through the semester to improve your aptitudes. All things considered, every semester will be unique, so you ought to consistently continue developing yourself as a writer.</p><p></p><p>Because there are such a large number of various themes to compose an exposition on for school, you ought to likewise think about writing in various point zones. For instance, on the off chance that you are taking a class on history, you should compose an exposition on how the world has changed since the hours of Henry VIII. By looking at the educational plan layout, you can choose which points to compos e an article on for school dependent on the subject of the class.</p><p></p><p>There are a few subjects that might be hard to expound on, and this is the reason you should get familiar with them before endeavoring to compose your paper. History, for instance, can be very testing in light of the fact that there are such a significant number of realities included. You can generally take a gander at the history class of the school you need to enter to discover increasingly about the subject matter.</p><p></p><p>Many individuals have really composed their expositions as of now. Some of them have won rivalries and even made it into secondary school, yet as a rule, individuals need to compose their own articles to find out about subjects to compose an exposition on for school. It tends to be very useful to compose a blog about the points to compose an article on for school with the goal that you will have the option to become familiar with t hem and really get some work on composing the essays.</p><p></p><p>As an author, you should understand that not every person is fit for composing the best papers. For whatever length of time that you study and practice, you will at present have the option to compose the best articles regardless of what your capacity level is. Here and there it very well may be the easily overlooked details that can represent the deciding moment your essay.</p><p></p><p>Because composing papers requires aptitudes and information, you ought to consistently endeavor to develop yourself. In the event that you are preparing to take the SAT or ACT, it is critical to realize how to compose an article. By investigating and finding out about points to compose an exposition on for school, you will have a superior possibility of having the option to compose the best papers possible.</p>
Monday, May 11, 2020
Research Papers Examples - Which Ones Are Appropriate For Your Needs?
<h1>Research Papers Examples - Which Ones Are Appropriate For Your Needs?</h1><p>When searching for the best research papers models, there are numerous to look over. Some are extremely high caliber and might be reasonable for scholastics, while others are less formal and may engage any individual who is composing a proposition for examine papers. This article will give you a smart thought of which kinds of models are generally fit to your needs.</p><p></p><p>One of the best and most mainstream models is the Software Tool. The Software Tool is a basic yet viable organization for showing an understudy to build up a framework. At the point when they get exhausted with the diagram, they can utilize the check boxes to include more subtleties as they proceed on the layout. The model is very easy to understand and takes into consideration understudies to be told the best way to peruse the framework and afterward their relegated parts.</p><p ></p><p>The Writing Sample, otherwise called the Personal Statement, gives an understudy numerous subtleties to work with as far as arrangement. The Personal Statement is utilized as a format to begin the exploration paper. This model offers a wide range of choices for your information. Understudies will have the option to feature their information in the body of the Personal Statement or they can likewise feature information to be utilized later in the examination paper.</p><p></p><p>The Research Statement is an incredible model for this sort of model. This is utilized by numerous understudies as a layout to assist them with beginning an examination paper. Understudies will have the option to feature significant focuses and even name a character to help construct their paper.</p><p></p><p>Another model is the Assignments. They are an extraordinary method to assist understudies with figuring out how to inquire about with out a ton of exertion. Understudies can make records and utilize the guides to help them when composing their proposal.</p><p></p><p>The Short Form Examples are an incredible option in contrast to the models above. They are anything but difficult to utilize and they give a pleasant visual to peruse when searching for composing tips. They are arranged uniquely in contrast to the models above and are quite certain to the sort of research paper that an understudy will make. A few understudies use them as a blueprint, while others use them as an approach to plot the pieces of their proposal.</p><p></p><p>The other sort of model that is anything but difficult to utilize and modify is the Student Resource Guide. These are exceptionally far reaching and are truly significant with regards to utilizing an exploration paper format. They take into account the understudy to follow the means laid out in the format with ease.</p><p></ p><p>These are the last kinds of models that are accessible. Regardless of what sort of composing that you are searching for, there makes certain to be a format that is suitable for your requirements. Give two or three a shot to perceive what you like and begin utilizing it.</p>
Advantages of Using AP English Literature Q2 Essay Samples
<h1>Advantages of Using AP English Literature Q2 Essay Samples</h1><p>Examining the AP English Literature Q2 Essay tests will assist you with taking your test in a superior manner. Concentrating from one of these examples is beyond the realm of imagination consistently, as the instructor doesn't give them. In any case, you can read for various hours from them during the assessment time frame and get a reasonable thought of the things you have to remember.</p><p></p><p>The first example utilized for the assessment is the Critical Reading paper questions. These are composed on an assortment of levels, which are: a) Theory, b) Essay, c) Analytical composition and d) Logical Writing. So on the off chance that you are getting ready for the assessment, you should pick between the two. A little tip to settle on the decision simpler is pick the example that has a similar degree of difficulty.</p><p></p><p>Exam papers can be as simple or as hard as you wish to make it. You can attempt to stay away from the article addresses that are unreasonably simple for you as it will cost additional time and effort.</p><p></p><p>If you are wanting to compose your own style of exposition, you should ensure that you adhere to the principles unmistakably. Abstain from utilizing the last letter of the word, and guarantee that the completion of each sentence is the equivalent. There are various tips to make the article which you are composing fascinating and discernible. In the AP English Literature Q2 Essay test, you will locate a couple of tips that will direct you recorded as a hard copy an essay.</p><p></p><p>The course works are isolated into various areas and you ought to comprehend these in detail before you begin composing your paper. The entirety of the paper test has a similar sentence structure and spelling of the language. It is ideal to check the errors and ensur e that the entirety of the expositions you compose are linguistically correct.</p><p></p><p>All of the AP English Literature Q2 Essay tests furnish you with a great deal of test questions. These example questions are utilized to assist you with getting acquainted with the best possible progression of the article. At the point when you can create the exposition based on test questions, you will feel positive about doing the genuine thing.</p><p></p><p>The AP English Literature Q2 Essay tests assist you with planning great, by furnishing you with great examination materials. Find support from the web or a book and study your exposition well.</p>
Friday, May 8, 2020
How to Write an About Me Essay For College
How to Write an About Me Essay For CollegeAn essay on writing an about me essay for college requires two things: a sense of the student's vision and an awareness of the student's limitations. If a student does not have either, she is doomed. A student should always strive to bring her own creativity to her essay on writing an about me essay for college.It's important for a student to think about her goals and personal values. Then she must present her vision in prose form. In this way, she may successfully bring her vision to life. The essay on writing an about me essay for college can be written with either prose or verse.A majority of students fail to express their ideas in prose because they don't realize that there are major themes in each essay. Students must carefully read through the assignment to discover these themes. Otherwise, they will be fighting each other when trying to create the best about me essay for college.All the issues in the essay are a way to capture the read er's attention. So they must be covered with a variety of writing styles. The poem, for example, must be done from the perspective of a poet, while the essay must be written from the perspective of a reader.The student can easily incorporate different styles by making certain statements from the vision. For example, if a student is trying to create a realistic about me essay for college, she must follow the standard format. A student may choose to create a fantasy about herself or a vision from the past.The most important issue in creating a creative about me essay for college is to use the many resources available online. The internet provides every student with access to every resource ever created. A student can go on Google and search for the exact phrase 'about me essay.' Within seconds, she will find a plethora of creative essay topics.In order to write an about me essay for college, the student must be passionate about the topic. She must write about her own perspective and v alues. To show how she truly feels, she must include personal experience.This is how to write an about me essay for college. It's no different than anything else that a student has learned in her college career. However, a student who wants to make her vision come to life should take full advantage of the various resources available to her online.
Using The Help Of AP Lit Essay Samples
Using The Help Of AP Lit Essay SamplesAP Lit Essay samples may help you out when you are writing your AP Lit Essay because they will help you out from the entire process. When you are writing an AP Lit Essay, you need to have the basic skills, so that you can have a clear understanding of the same when it comes to the composition of your essay.While composing the essay, you need to do so with the help of AP Lit Essay samples because you need to be familiar with the materials that you will use. You should learn how to research a topic that you will be writing on and that means you should look for the best sources on the topic and those sources may include journals, journals that have been published, websites, books and even poems. Knowing the best sources that are available on a certain topic is necessary so that you can go to them if ever you run out of resources.The next thing that you need to know about is that, with the help of AP Lit Essay samples, you can come up with something better than you could have just by reading or browsing through other essays that you see. This is true because the essay should reflect a particular theme. To do this, you need to keep in mind the various things that would be included in that theme. You will be able to come up with a good theme because the right topic is what you will be discussing in your essay.One of the best things about the essay that you will be doing is that you will be able to compose it based on your own writing style. The topic and the theme are the two things that are needed to compose the topic and the theme that you will be doing. With the help of AP Lit Essay samples, you will be able to compose the topic that you want. When you are writing the theme of the essay, you need to think about the themes that are most used in other essays that have been published and you can use those themes to give you the theme that you want.Using the AP Lit Essay samples is also one of the best ways to come up with new top ics. When you are looking for topics that are used in other essays that have been published, you will be able to come up with a good topic. You will be able to choose topics that are most relevant to your area of expertise or to your subject. You will be able to use the AP Lit Essay samples to come up with topics that are related to the topic that you are writing on.When you are looking for a good topic for your essay, the best thing that you can do is to look for the topics that have already been used. In other words, you can come up with a topic for your essay from a piece of poetry. When you are doing this, you need to ensure that you will be using poetry that is associated with your topic. You will be able to come up with a topic that is easy to read and to understand.Poetry is something that everyone likes, especially when it comes to writing. It is the perfect tool that you can use when you are writing your AP Lit Essay because it can help you out when you are trying to come u p with a topic and a theme. You will be able to get inspiration from poetry so that you can come up with topics that are easy to read and to understand.AP Lit Essay samples are great because they will help you to compose a good topic for your essay. When you are searching for a topic and a theme, the best thing that you can do is to look for the topics that have already been used. With the help of these AP Lit Essay samples, you will be able to come up with a topic that will be easy to read and to understand.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
High Education And Intellectual Property - 1038 Words
Higher education and intellectual property go hand in hand but not always easily. With the development of sophisticated online learning systems, copyright has become a larger and more complicated issue. Faculty members struggle to keep up with the demands of providing scholarly materials to their students while at the same time respecting the rights of the author. This article focuses on the faculty-created resources caught up in this intellectual storm, and attempts to clarify the issues by first introducing us to copyright law in a face to face classroom and an online one. It examines a survey taken by faculty members about ownership. It introduces the complications of providing materials for a MOOC. And finally, looks at policiesâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦This leaves teachers at risk of losing work they have labored over in their own time with their own materials. This becomes especially tricky when dealing with online courses. Senior faculty members are now being asked to create a ââ¬Å"packageâ⬠that will be used as an outline for many sections of the same class. In other cases, many faculty members will contribute to the package over time, thus diluting the authorship. This leaves the question of ownership woefully under-defined. Faculty Survey. The authors of this paper wanted to know what faculty members thought of the convoluted idea of intellectual ownership of their works. Of the 96 respondents, the authors were surprised that only 80% believed that they owned all of the academic materials they offered in a classroom. Of the 20% who said ââ¬Å"noâ⬠to this question, they followed up with clarification questions. Faculty were asked who the owner of copyright were in three situations: face to face classes, online classes, and peer-reviewed journals. Face to face classes were split evenly between faculty and co-ownership with the institution. For online classes over half the faculty surveyed believed that the materials they developed should be co-owned with the institution. Finally, for peer-reviewed journals four-fifths of respondents believed in faculty ownership. MOOCS. MOOCs are a tricky subject, thanks to the complicated views faculty hold about the ownership ofShow MoreRelatedProtection Of Intellectual Property Rights1320 Words à |à 6 PagesThe Intellectual Property Department was put in place in 1990 to ensure some sort of protection when it comes to intellectual property rights. ââ¬Å"Protection of intellectual property rights protects creativity. The efforts of writers, artists, designers, software programmers, inventors, and other talents need to be protected in order to create an environment where creativity can flourish and hard work can be rewarded.â⬠(IP in Hong Kong, China). 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The E-Commerce Business Model Samples for Students
Question: What is the E- commerce Business ? Answer: Introduction TT Edu is a small educational institute operating in the educational industry in Australia for quite some time. The business activities of the organization includes assisting other educational institutes to promote their educational programs, conducting educational fairs and selling tickets and other merchandise related to the educational fair. This report is a proposal for the management of TT Edu to implement an e-commerce system in order to increase the sales of the products and services along with the increase in the business of the organization. The proposal includes a number of modules of the e-commerce business suggested to the organization such as the e-commerce business model, revenue mode, network and communication infrastructure among many more (Einav, 2014). The e-commerce business model The e-commerce business model will define the business activities of the organization on the internet, which in turn allows the organization to have more sales of the products and/or services. The e-commerce business model also defines the customers to be targeted by the marketing and promotional activities of the organization on the internet, which in turn provides a clear understanding to the management of the organization regarding the targets of the overall business processes (Fang, 2014). The e-commerce business model for TT Edu will be a combination of the B2B and B2C business models, which in turn will allow the organization to target both businesses and end consumers through the marketing and other business processes. So, the business model for the e-commerce system of TT Edu will consist of two components as mentioned below (Huang, 2013). B2B component The B2B component of the e-commerce business model will target the educational institutions, secondary colleges and other businesses involved in the education fairs. This component will consist of the business activities responsible for attracting more number of customers from different businesses involved in the business activities of TT Edu. So these businesses or institutions involved in the business activities of TT Edu will be targeted by this component of the e-commerce business model in order to increase the sale of the products and services provided by the organization. The business activities included in this component of the e-commerce business model of TT Edu are mentioned below (Qu, 2015). Assisting educational institutions to promote their educational programs Arranging the floor space for the educational fairs Supporting the educational institutions to promote their programs in local and international educational fairs Providing value-added services like construction of stand in the exhibition along with the travel and accommodation arrangement Organizing and/or distributing marketing materials before the fair Hospitality arrangements during the fair for the exhibitors Arranging fair tickets for the exhibitors Promoting educational programs to different secondary colleges in Australia and overseas Coordinating with the government, business-level and industry contacts for activities related to the educational fairs (Rahayu, 2015) Carrying out effective marketing campaigns for the educational institutions B2C component The B2C component of the e-commerce business model of TT Edu will target the aspiring students and employees of the educational institutes. This component will be responsible for introducing the students with exciting educational programs and to provide the employees with opportunities to mentor students. The business activities involved in this competent of the e-commerce business model are mentioned below (Da Costa, 2016). Supporting educational institution employees interested to mentor and groom students Supporting students to find interesting educational programs in the educational fair Selling tickets to the students and prospect employees of the educational institutions Revenue model This section of the report focuses on the revenue model to be implemented in the e-commerce business of TT Edu. This in turn allows the organization to yield revenue from its e-commerce business. Advertising The website of TT Edu will host strategically placed advertisements of various other products and services related to the business activities of the organizations. There are a number of advertising agencies operating in the internet, who pay for the advertisement on the basis of number of clicks, visits and transactions through the website of the host. The e-commerce website of TT Edu will provide advertisements to related products and services provided by other organizations in the educational industry, which in turn will allow the e-commerce business to yield revenue (Belkhamza, 2015). Subscriptions The e-commerce website of TT Edu will have a feature to allow the users to subscribe to the newsletters and offers from TT Edu. This in turn will allow the users to be notified about the new and upcoming fairs along with the interested educational programs to the aspiring students. This subscription for the users will have different prices for the individual users and for the business users (Falk, 2015). Transaction fees A small amount of transaction fee will be charged from the users in order to gain profits from the transactions carried out by either the individual or business users. These transaction fees will be application to the transactions for booking fair tickets, purchase of the merchandises and for subscribing to the newsletters from TT Edu (Sila, 2013). Ticket and merchandise sales TT Edu will be selling the fair tickets along with a number of other merchandises which will allow the organization to yield revenue from the e-commerce business. The tickets and merchandise sales will have more exposure to the potential customers due to the presence on the internet along with extensive marketing activities (Rodriguez, 2014). Network and communications infrastructure This section of the report focuses on the network and communication infrastructure required for the successful e-commerce business of TT Edu. Information superhighway (I-way) This is the major requirement for the implementation of e-commerce system for TT Edu. This network infrastructure in the workplace of the organization allows the organization to have the e-commerce system to be deployed in the internet. All the workstations and devices in the workplace of the organization will be connected to the internet through this efficient network infrastructure (Laudon, 2016). Communication infrastructure The information superhighway to be implemented in the workplace of TT Edu can be augmented with the communication technologies. This setup can be supported by the implementation of any of the information and communication technologies in the workplace of the organization in order to ensure effective communication in the business activities of the organization (Falk, 2015). Hardware and software This section of the report focuses on the hardware and software requirements of a successful implementation of the e-commerce system for TT Edu. The hardware infrastructure required for the implementation of the e-commerce software includes the below mentioned components. Web servers for hosting the web applications and database Development workstations for the employees working on the web applications Backup servers to hold the backup data High speed internet network and switches to enable efficient internet connectivity for the developers The software components required for the implementation of the e-commerce system are mentioned below. Operating systems along with the browsers and development tools for the developers Server operating system to run the web applications TCP/IP addresses along with domain names for hosting the web applications Web authoring tools Hosted virtualization tools Database management system (Barnes, 2013) Security protocols The security issues associated with the e-commerce system will be managed by the below mentioned components. Implementation of encryption mechanism for data storage and transaction management Digital signatures to validate all the transactions flowing in the system Security certificates to validate the identity of all the external systems seeking connectivity to the e-commerce system Role based access control along with two-phase authentication for the users, employees and developers (Choi, 2013) Restricted access development workspace Implementation of the security management tools in the servers The e-marketing strategy The e-marketing strategy of the e-commerce system of TT Edu will focus on the advertising and promotional activities carried on the internet. This strategy will include the below mentioned activities for effective and efficient marketing process. Advertising the products and services in the website of TT Edu itself Advertising in other websites including the social media websites Various blog posts Online brochures Email marketing to send the newsletters and interesting facts to the customers directly Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to increase the visibility and presence of the e-commerce website in the search engines results (Falk, 2015) Content marketing to increase brand awareness and traffic. Social media marketing Marketing automation to automate some of the e-marketing activities Payment systems The e-commerce system for TT Edu will allow the users to have a number of payment systems to be available for their transactions on the website. These payment systems will include credit cards, debit cards, internet banking and e-wallets. All of these payment systems will be allowed for any monetary transactions carried out by the users. The payment systems will be integrated to the e-commerce system through a large number of existing Application Programming Interfaces (API). Business ethics The ethical strategy implemented in the workplace of TT Edu will allow the organization to ensure privacy and other ethical concerns are managed effectively. The management will create a set of ethical guidelines for the employees to follow in the workplace of the organization. These guidelines will allow the employees to take the correct decisions during ethical dilemmas. The employees will sign code of conducts to maintain the privacy and integrity of the e-commerce system. The business guidelines implemented in the workplace of the organization along with frequent training activities will allow the employees to adhere to the organizational policies, which maintain the privacy and integrity of the e-commerce system (Chiu, 2014). Legal issues The legal team and policies of TT Edu will focus on the legal issues associated with the e-commerce business. The e-commerce business model will ensure that the images and content used in the e-commerce website are not used through copyright violation. The business model of TT Edu will ensure that the content presented in the e-commerce website is compliant to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) regulations. The e-commerce website will be trademarked with the TT Edu icon to follow the trademark act (Andam, 2014). Customer service The customer service strategy of the e-commerce business of TT Edu will allow the customers to have multiple options to connect with the customer care representatives of the organization. The customers will be allowed to write to the organization through the form provided in the website. The contact numbers for calling the customer care of TT Edu will be provided in the website. The customers will also be provided an option to request a callback from the organization. A separate customer care team will be responsible for the queries or complaints of the customers for the e-commerce website (Falk, 2015). Measuring success of the proposal The success of the e-commerce website can be measured using a number of tools. DeLone and McLean success model measures the success of the ecommerce website based on a number of factors such as information quality, system quality, use, net benefits, user satisfaction and service quality. The success of the website can also be measured on the analysis of a number of data collected by the data analytics tools implemented in the e-commerce system. These data include inflow traffic, number of purchases per visit, total number of transactions in a specific amount of time and the loading time of the web pages. These factors allow an analysis to reveal whether the e-commerce website is success or not. The customer satisfaction can be measured through various surveys and questionnaires regarding the quality of the e-commerce system, which in turn defines the success or failure of the system (Cheung, 2016). References Andam, Z. R. (2014). e-Commerce and e-Business. Barnes, S., Hunt, B. (Eds.). (2013).E-commerce and v-business. Routledge. Belkhamza, Z., Wafa, S. A. (2015). The effect of perceived risk on the intention to use e-commerce: The case of Algeria.The Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce,2009. Cheung, M., Yang, C. F. (2016, May). The e-commerce revolution: ensuring trust and consumer rights in China. InApplied System Innovation (ICASI), 2016 International Conference on(pp. 1-5). IEEE. Chiu, C. M., Wang, E. T., Fang, Y. H., Huang, H. Y. (2014). Understanding customers' repeat purchase intentions in B2C e?commerce: the roles of utilitarian value, hedonic value and perceived risk.Information Systems Journal,24(1), 85-114. Choi, H., On, R., Varian, H. R. (2013).U.S. Patent No. 8,374,907. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Da Costa, E. (2016).Global e-commerce strategies for small businesses. Mit Press. Einav, L., Levin, J., Popov, I., Sundaresan, N. (2014). Growth, adoption, and use of mobile E-commerce.The American economic review,104(5), 489-494. Falk, M., Hagsten, E. (2015). E-commerce trends and impacts across Europe.International Journal of Production Economics,170, 357-369. Fang, Y., Qureshi, I., Sun, H., McCole, P., Ramsey, E., Lim, K. H. (2014). Trust, Satisfaction, and Online Repurchase Intention: The Moderating Role of Perceived Effectiveness of E-Commerce Institutional Mechanisms.Mis Quarterly,38(2), 407-427. Huang, Z., Benyoucef, M. (2013). From e-commerce to social commerce: A close look at design features.Electronic Commerce Research and Applications,12(4), 246-259. Laudon, K. C., Traver, C. (2016).E-Commerce 2016: Business, Technology, Society. Pearson Higher Ed. Qu, W. G., Pinsonneault, A., Tomiuk, D., Wang, S., Liu, Y. (2015). The impacts of social trust on open and closed B2B e-commerce: A Europe-based study.Information Management,52(2), 151-159. Rahayu, R., Day, J. (2015). Determinant factors of e-commerce adoption by SMEs in developing country: evidence from Indonesia.Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences,195, 142-150. Rodriguez, H., Smith, N. J., Spinac, C. J. (2014).U.S. Patent No. 8,645,241. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Sila, I. (2013). Factors affecting the adoption of B2B e-commerce technologies.Electronic commerce research,13(2), 199-236.
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